About Freemasonry

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is a society of like-minded men who meet regularly in a fraternal and social environment, share a common desire to give charitable support to the community and attach importance to a high moral code. It is a secular society not a religious one, but an essential requirement for all our members is a belief in a Supreme Being but that belief is non-denominational, a distinction which enables men of different religions to meet together in co-operation and friendship.

It was established many centuries ago and now has more than 300,000 members in England and Wales and millions worldwide. It was founded as a male-only society and has been happy to continue as such, though there are parallel Orders of Women Freemasons in the UK and abroad.

The three key principles of Freemasonry are Neighbourly Concern, Charity and Moral Standards. Freemasons refer to these as Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

For further information be sure to visit the What is Freemasonry page on the United Grand Lodge of England website.